August RunClub Group Run This Saturday – 8/6

This Saturday’s RunClub group run will be a joint event with the Holy Family Cross Country Team. So, we should have a nice large group there to run with!

We will be meeting at Hudson Springs Park (7095 Stow Rd, Hudson, OH 44236) at 8am by the playground.  We will be running the trail around the lake.  So, there are options for longer and shorter distances.  We plan on wrapping up at 9am.

See you all there!

June Training Challenge

We had a fantastic turn out for the first RunClub Meet Up this past weekend. We saw some folks from Track and even some faces from Cross Country in the crowd. I am looking forward to upcoming runs! Spread the word, the more the merrier! Just send them over to this form to get signed up.

Next Meet Up – Saturday July 9th

Since the first Saturday in July falls on the Independence Day Weekend, we are going to push the next Meet Up to the following Saturday, July 9th, at the same location: Oak Pavilion in Silver Springs Park.

June Training Challenge

Each month there will be a training challenge for everyone to complete. For June, the challenge is a great one for those coming off a training season or for those ramping up.

This challenge is also great for those traveling on vacation. Since it is time based, you can do it on a running path, trail, treadmill, or even the beach. However, I would recommend the 3rd & 4th week on a flatter surface at first!

This is an interval workout that progresses each week like so…

Week 1: 3 min hard run (this should be about your 1 mile race pace) 2 min recovery. Repeat this 3 times.
Week 2: 4 min hard run then a 2 min recovery. Repeat this 3 times.
Week 3: 5 min hard run then a 3 min recovery. Repeat this 3 times.
Week 4: 6 min hard run then a 3 min recovery. Repeat this 3 times.
Make sure to start each workout with about about a 10 min warmup. Then wrap up with the workout with a cool down of about 10 minutes.  The warmup and cool down are critical to doing speed workouts.  So don’t skip them!

Have a GREAT June!

That’s about it.  Have a great start to the summer.  And look forward to seeing you all in July.

First Run Club Meet up this Saturday!

First Meet up this Saturday!

Silver Springs Park 8am

This is it!  Saturday is the first official meet up for the RunClub.  We are going to meet at the picnic tables by the Oak Pavilion at Silver Springs. Same spot we meet for Cross Country and the Optional Track Practices.

This group is open to all invite and bring along whomever.  Kids, Parents, all are welcome.  This is a great way to help stay active during the summer before those Fall sports start.

Look forward to see you all there!